This is a glimpse of our current project with the Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Public Voices, Power to Change and Haringey Circle.
We have also helped to made a book for our residents who now attend spoken word events
Look what Code1 Founder Bevali has helped set up in lockdown! Working alongside volunteers, providing hot meals to the vulnerable in Haringey, we provide 380 meals a day.
BBC1 update. Things are still on the move. We are now helping out in Northumberland Park. The most deprived area in the UK. Unemployment is very high and things are looking pretty desperate.
As the implications of coronavirus began to emerge, a group of volunteers in Tottenham, London, came together to try to transform the lives of the people around them. In the weeks that followed, the BBC's Tarah Welsh followed people like Nigel Andall and Bevali Mckenzie as they cooked meals, visited homes and set up a community radio station.

We had so much fun during BHM @ Levi's.

Louise (lockdown 2020)
Being a young single mum, Louise was not really coping well at home in lockdowns. She wanted to do more activities with her toddler and felt she needed some help keeping him occupied, so her mother Venessa Bobb, founder of A2ndVoice Autism charity brought them down to do an online art workshop.
It was really inspiring for Louise and she was a great presenter. When we finish editing you will get to see what she has done online.
(ps everything was done safely, washing our hands, distancing where possible and then washing all equipment before and after use!)

Kai ( Lockdown 2020)
Kai was so excited when he was called up to see whether he would want to be part of a filmed documentary. His first reaction was "YES".
The film crew were from GALEFORCE FILMS and they wanted to capture what community groups were doing during the lockdown. They knew that Code1 was helping out at a food distribution centre and that she was helping to feed locals.
What they wanted to know from Kai was how he was coping in isolation. Kai was a pro! He is working on some online ideas for creative art sessions and continuing with his spoken word.

Code1 Community Group is a. not-for-profit organisation, who has identified a real need for supporting vulnerable youth within the borough, have devised a positive way forward. We know that to change the world takes a lot of support and belief. Since our founding, we have been determined to make an impact on Black people in our borough and the wider communities. We are a group that has come together to engage and excel our young people in the arts, spoken word, peer to peer mentoring and the creativity and holistic fields. The core of our efforts is to bring our team’s fresh ideas and passion for the range of activities we’re involved in. We want young people to be at the forefront of all our decision making and events. Through all of our endeavours, we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs.
- tackling the subject of prejudice and intolerance - raising awareness;
- helping children define the meaning of the term ‘hate incident’ and ‘hate crime’ - what it is, how it manifests itself, what you can do if you see it happening;
- reaching all communities through uplifting and real-life stories.
- dealing with all types of intolerance, building empathy and understanding;
- bringing families from different cultural and socioeconomic groups together in a new way; - building contact, reducing isolation;
- building literacy, discussion/debating and presentation skills, self-esteem/confidence and empowerment;
- building an understanding of identity and being proud of yourself - who you are and where you live;
- sustainable child-led projects which can be ‘embedded’ in the school/group’s programme reaching successive generations of children;

Reinforcing healthy lifestyles by delivering workshops, cooking classes and fun inter-generational shared social gatherings. We aim to empower our community with the skills to live healthier lives; therefore healthier minds. We run regular away days for women, our parents and young people, where we teach them about mental health awareness, nutrition, holistic remedies and GOAL setting
There is a mental health crisis in our school system and a huge increase within the last 5 years. Children are facing even more pressures than ever; exams, social media, cyberbullying and body image and need to develop skills to cope and succeed in today's world.
We offer a safe and secure consistent place for vulnerable young people to find support.

One Step at a Time. We start working with our young people from an early age to ensure that we can follow through when building their confidence and self-esteem; especially when faced with challenges such as peer pressure, body image, mental health, and addiction. Our youth team helps to make all our courses a success.
We use the skills of our Black community ambassadors, be-frienders, and arts awarded courses as a mean of engagement. With our youth, we use a unique approach to person-centred success. We encourage an holistic approach, making them aware of Black history, Black leaders and connections with the Black elders within our community. Our mission is to make a stronger and fairer world and to fight for equality.
Volunteering with us
Apply here
Here at Code1 Community Group, we’re committed to investing our expertise and resources in order to further achieve our cause. We aim to support our community members in a variety of ways and measuring our success not by monetary size, but by more qualitative measurements such as the scale and effectiveness of our efforts. Just imagine what we can achieve together!
We need volunteers and mentors who have a spare afternoon each week or each month to support our young people to achieve their project goals. We need mentors, teachers, parents, carers, artist and anyone who feels they would like to invest in the lives of the next generation.
Want to Donate?
SORT CODE 23-05-80
ACCOUNT NO. 35423281